Frequently Ask Questions

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) to assist new clients in understanding our services and processes at Prime Cleaning Services. Here are answers to some of the most common queries:

  • How can I book a cleaning service?

    To book our services, please contact us via the form on our website, call us at the provided number, or send us an email. Our consultants will discuss your needs with you, suggest a suitable solution, and then arrange a convenient time for the service to be carried out.

  • Do you offer eco-friendly cleaning?

    Yes, at Prime Cleaning Services, we are committed to protecting the environment and the health of our clients. We use safe, eco-friendly cleaning products that are just as effective in eliminating dirt and bacteria as traditional products.

  • What safety measures are you taking in relation to COVID-19?

    The safety of our clients and employees is our top priority. We implement several safety measures, including regular disinfection of equipment, wearing masks and gloves by our staff, and adhering to social distancing recommendations while working.

  • What are your prices?

    Our prices are competitive and depend on the type and scope of services required. After discussing your needs, we will provide you with a personalised quote.

  • Is your staff trained and insured?

    Yes, all our employees are professionally trained in the best cleaning practices and safety protocols. Additionally, our company and staff are adequately insured, giving our clients peace of mind.

We hope these answers have helped clarify any questions you may have. If you have other queries or need further information, we encourage you to contact us directly. We’re here to help and ensure you receive the highest quality cleaning services.

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